鈎虫[kouchuu] hookworm 鈎鼻[kagibana] hooked nose 毛鈎[kebari] (fishing) fly 鈎爪[kagizume] claw
鈎股弦の定理[koukogennoteiri] Pythagorean theorem 鈎股弦[koukogen] three sides of right triangle (minor cathetus, major cathetus & hypotenuse) 引目鈎鼻[hikimekagihana] style of drawing the human face, popular in the Heian period
懸鉤子[kiichigo] raspberry (any plant of genus Rubus, esp. Rubus palmatus var. coptophyllus) 鉤括弧[kagikakko] square bracket 釣鉤[tsuribari] fish hook 鉤針[kagibari] hook
手鉤[tekagi] short gaff 鉤十字[kagijuuji] swastika 鉤の手[kaginote] right-angled bend 鉤虫[kouchuu] hookworm