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Search Kanji for 釣り堀

ditch; moat; canal

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Popularity rank: 1285 Pinyin: kū, jué Korean: gul Hán-Việt: quật
Stroke counts: 11 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 1-3-8


外堀[sotobori] outer moat (castle)
堀り抜く[horinuku] to dig through
根堀り葉堀り[nehorihahori] thoroughly
堀り鼠[horinezumi] pocket gopher
堀散らす[horichirasu] to dig up messily
堀川[horikawa] canal
内堀[uchibori] inner moat
釣堀[tsuribori] fish pond
堀り返す[horikaesu] to dig up
angling; fish; catch; allure; ensnare

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Popularity rank: 1542 Pinyin: diào Korean: jo Hán-Việt: điếu
Stroke counts: 11 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 1-8-3


一本釣[ipponzuri] fishing with a pole
魚釣[sakanatsuri] fishing
渓流釣り[keiryuuzuri] mountain stream fishing
御釣[otsuri] change (i.e. money)
千釣り[senzuri] masturbation (male)
釣上げる[tsuriageru] to raise
釣合う[tsuriau] to balance
釣込む[tsurikomu] to take in
釣り出す[tsuridasu] to pull out a fish