Search Kanji for 賓/meaning-of-屁
屁と火事はもとから騒ぐ[hetokajihamotokarasawagu] it is often the originator of problems who kicks up a fuss or complains loudest
屁をひって尻窄め[hewohitteshiritsubome] there's no point squeezing your buttocks after you have farted
屁理屈[herikutsu] sophism
放屁[houhi] breaking wind
言出しっ屁[iidashippe] first person to say something
屁をひって尻窄め[hewohitteshiritsubome] there's no point squeezing your buttocks after you have farted
屁理屈[herikutsu] sophism
放屁[houhi] breaking wind
言出しっ屁[iidashippe] first person to say something
Popularity rank: 1677 Pinyin: bīn
Korean: bin
Hán-Việt: tân, thấn
Stroke counts: 15 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 2-3-12
Stroke counts: 15 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 2-3-12