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Search Kanji for 煮炊

cook; boil

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Popularity rank: 1777 Pinyin: chuī, chuì Korean: chwi Hán-Việt: xuy, xúy
Stroke counts: 8 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 1-4-4


一炊の夢[issuinoyume] an empty dream
共同炊事場[kyoudousuijiba] community kitchen
雑炊[zousui] rice gruel containing vegetables, fish, etc., and seasoned with miso or soy sauce
自炊[jisui] cooking for oneself
水炊[mizutaki] food (esp. chicken and vegetables) boiled in plain water (or sometimes dashi, etc.) and served with dipping sauce (esp. ponzu)
炊き込み[takikomi] (something) cooked with rice
炊き込む[takikomu] to cook (something) with rice
炊事[suiji] cooking
炊飯器[suihanki] rice cooker
炊出し[takidashi] emergency rice feeding
boil; cook

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Popularity rank: 1565 Pinyin: zhǔ Korean: ja Hán-Việt: chử
Stroke counts: 12 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 3-4-8


御雑煮[ozouni] New Year dish
塩煮[shioni] boiling in salted water (e.g. fish)
雑煮[zouni] soup containing rice cakes and vegetables (New Year's dish)
煮える[nieru] to boil
煮え返る[niekaeru] to seethe
煮えたぎる[nietagiru] to boil
煮つめる[nitsumeru] to boil down
煮やす[niyasu] to cook inside
煮る[niru] to boil
煮干し[niboshi] (small crunchy) dried sardines