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Search Kanji for 柳に雪折れ無し

fold; break; fracture; bend; yield; submit

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Popularity rank: 962 Pinyin: zhé, shé, zhē Korean: jeol, je Hán-Việt: chiết, đề
Stroke counts: 7 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 1-3-4


へし折る[heshioru] to smash
一折り[hitoori] one box
右折[usetsu] turning to the right
右折禁止[usetsukinshi] No Right Turn!
我を折る[gawooru] to concede a point
解折[kaiseki] analysis
回折[kaisetsu] diffraction
回折格子[kaisetsukoushi] (diffraction) grating
曲折[kyokusetsu] windings
九折[kyuusetsu] many turns (in a road)

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Popularity rank: 1169 Pinyin: liǔ Korean: ryu Hán-Việt: liễu
Stroke counts: 9 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 1-4-5


花柳界[karyuukai] red-light district
花柳病[karyuubyou] sexually transmitted disease
蒲柳[horyuu] purple willow
枝垂柳[shidareyanagi] weeping willow (Salix babylonica)
川柳[senryuu] comic haiku
楊柳[yanagi] willow (any tree of genus Salix)
柳腰[yanagigoshi] slim waist
柳川鍋[yanagawanabe] soup prepared with dojou
柳び[ryuubi] beautiful eyebrows
花柳[karyuu] red-light district
nothingness; none; ain't; nothing; nil; not

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Popularity rank: 274 Pinyin: wú, mó Korean: mu Hán-Việt: vô, mô
Stroke counts: 12 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 2-8-4


隈無く[kumanaku] all over
然り気無い[sarigenai] nonchalant
だらし無い[darashinai] slovenly
途轍も無い[totetsumonai] extravagant
とんでも無い[tondemonai] unthinkable
無け無し[nakenashi] very small amount which looks like nothing
無駄にする[mudanisuru] to render futile
悪虐無道[akugyakubudou] treacherous
意気地無し[ikujinashi] coward
一も二も無く[ichimonimonaku] unhesitatingly

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Popularity rank: 1131 Pinyin: xuě, xuè Korean: seol Hán-Việt: tuyết
Stroke counts: 11 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 2-8-3


雨混じりの雪[amemajirinoyuki] snow mingled with rain
花吹雪[hanafubuki] falling cherry blossoms
雪崩れる[nadareru] to slope
蛍雪の功[keisetsunokou] the fruit of diligent study
降雪[kousetsu] snowfall
豪雪[gousetsu] tremendous snowfall
細雪[sasameyuki] light snow fall
初雪[hatsuyuki] first snow (of season)
除雪[josetsu] snow removal
除雪車[josetsusha] snow-plow