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Search Kanji for 堂堂

public chamber; hall

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Popularity rank: 1010 Pinyin: táng Korean: dang Hán-Việt: đường
Stroke counts: 11 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 3 Skip code: 2-5-6


ユダヤ教会堂[yudayakyoukaidou] synagogue
位牌堂[ihaidou] mortuary chapel
一堂[ichidou] one building (hall, temple, shrine, room)
会堂[kaidou] church
会堂司[kaidouzukasa] ruler of a synagogue
議事堂[gijidou] Diet building
公会堂[koukaidou] town hall
講堂[koudou] auditorium
国会議事堂[kokkaigijidou] national parliament or congress building (e.g. National Diet (Japan), Capitol Hill (US), Houses of Parliament (UK), etc.)
参堂[sandou] visiting a home or a shrine