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Search Kanji for 四方反りかんな


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Popularity rank: 191 Pinyin: fǎn Korean: ban, beon Hán-Việt: phản, phiên
Stroke counts: 4 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 4-4-1


その反面[sonohanmen] on the other hand
に反して[nihanshite] against
違反者[ihansha] violator (of a law)
違反[ihan] violation (of law)
一律減反[ichiritsugentan] reduction in area of rice under cultivation
陰性反応[inseihannou] negative reaction (in patient)
化学反応[kagakuhannou] chemical reaction
可逆反応[kagyakuhannou] reversible reaction
核反応[kakuhannou] nuclear reaction
核反応炉[kakuhannouro] nuclear reactor

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Popularity rank: 47 Pinyin: Korean: sa Hán-Việt: tứ
Stroke counts: 5 Grade level: 1 JLPT level: 4 Skip code: 4-5-1


まっ四角[masshikaku] square
一天四海[ittenshikai] the world
下四半期[shimoshihanki] last quarter (of the year)
弦楽四重奏曲[gengakushijuusoukyoku] string quartet
再三再四[saisansaishi] repeatedly
三寒四温[sankanshion] alternation of three cold and four warm days
四つ[yottsu] four
四つんばい[yotsunbai] (crawl) on all fours
四つ角[yotsukado] four corners
四つ足[yotsuashi] four-footed (animal)
direction; person; alternative

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Popularity rank: 46 Pinyin: fāng Korean: bang Hán-Việt: phương
Stroke counts: 4 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 3 Skip code: 3-3-1


彼の方[anokata] that gentleman (lady)
此方[kochira] this way (direction close to the speaker or towards the speaker)
此方[konata] this way
其方[sochira] that way (direction distant from the speaker, close to the listener)
何方へ[dochirahe] how are you?
何方も[dochiramo] both
何方様[dochirasama] who
何方付かず[docchitsukazu] gray area
何方でも[donatademo] anyone
遣り方[yarikata] manner of doing