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Search Kanji for parts: 羽人冫彡⺾艸

luxurious grass; a smartweed

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Popularity rank: 2447 Pinyin: liǎo Korean: ryo Hán-Việt: liệu, lục
Stroke counts: 14 Skip code: 2-4-12


木天蓼[matatabi] silver vine (Actinidia polygama)
蓼食う虫も好き好き[tadekuumushimosukizuki] there's no accounting for taste
紅蓼[benitade] water pepper (Polygonum hydropiper forma purpurascens)
仙蓼[senryou] Chloranthus glaber
大毛蓼[ooketade] kiss-me-over-the-garden-gate (species of smartweed, Polygonum orientale)
柳蓼[yanagidate] water pepper (Persicaria hydropiper)
藍蓼[aitade] dyer's knotweed (Persicaria tinctoria, used to produce indigo dye)
蓼科[tadeka] Polygonaceae (knotweed family of plants)
蓼藍[tadeai] dyer's knotweed (Persicaria tinctoria, used to produce indigo dye)