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Search Kanji for 椿庭

courtyard; garden; yard

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Popularity rank: 816 Pinyin: tíng Korean: jeong Hán-Việt: đình, thính
Stroke counts: 10 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 3-3-6


奥庭[okuniwa] inner garden
家庭[katei] home
家庭を顧みない[kateiwokaeriminai] thinking little of one's family
家庭科[kateika] home economics
家庭教育[kateikyouiku] home education
家庭教師[kateikyoushi] tutor
家庭裁判所[kateisaibansho] family court
家庭内暴力[kateinaibouryoku] household violence (esp. adolescent children towards parents)
家庭用[kateiyou] for home (vs business) use
家庭欄[kateiran] family column (newspaper)
椿 camellia

Search dictionary for: 椿

Popularity rank: 1829 Pinyin: chūn Korean: chun Hán-Việt: xuân, thung
Stroke counts: 13 Grade level: 9 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 1-4-9


椿油[tsubakiabura] camellia oil
椿事[chinji] strange occurrence
寒椿[kantsubaki] camellia-like plant native to China
夏椿[natsutsubaki] Japanese stewartia (Stewartia pseudocamellia)
椿象[kamemushi] shield bug
椿桃[tsubaimomo] nectarine
刺椿象[sashigame] assassin bug (any insect of family Reduviidae)
椿象目[kamemushimoku] Hemiptera (taxonomic order comprising the true bugs)
姫椿[himetsubaki] Chinese guger tree (species of evergreen, Schima wallichii)