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Search Kanji for 嘴長土竜

beak; bill

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Pinyin: zuǐ Korean: chwi Hán-Việt: chủy
Stroke counts: 16 Skip code: 1-3-13


鴨嘴[kamonohashi] platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus)
砂嘴[sashi] spit (geography)
巨嘴鳥[oohashi] toucan
鶴嘴[tsuruhashi] pickaxe
嘴細鴉[hashibosogarasu] carrion crow (Corvus corone)
嘴太鴉[hashibutogarasu] jungle crow (Corvus macrorhynchos)
嘴黒鶲[hashigurohitaki] northern wheatear (Oenanthe oenanthe)
嘴細啄木鳥[hashibosokitsutsuki] northern flicker (species of bird, inc. the yellow-shafted flicker and the red-shafted flicker, Colaptes auratus)
黄嘴鶸[kibashihiwa] twite (species of finch, Carduelis flavirostris)
soil; earth; ground; Turkey

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Popularity rank: 307 Pinyin: Korean: to, du Hán-Việt: thổ, độ, đỗ
Stroke counts: 3 Grade level: 1 JLPT level: 4 Skip code: 4-3-2


御土産[omiyage] present
混凝土[konkuriito] concrete
土耳古[toruko] Turkey
安土桃山時代[azuchimomoyamajidai] Azuchi-Momoyama period (approx. 1558-1600 CE)
王土[oudo] royal or imperial domain
黄土[oudo] earth
沖積土[chuusekido] alluvial soil
下層土[kasoudo] subsoil
火木土[kamokudo] Tue-Thurs-Sat
灰土[kaido] ashes and earth
dragon; imperial

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Popularity rank: 1195 Pinyin: lóng Korean: ryong, nong Hán-Việt: long
Stroke counts: 10 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 2-5-5


鳥竜茶[uuroncha] oolong tea
白竜[peeron] dragon boat (long 22-person canoe used for racing)
青竜蝦[shako] mantis shrimp (any marine crustacean of order Stomatopoda, esp. the species Oratosquilla oratoria)
飛竜[hiryuu] flying dragon
竜の口[tatsunokuchi] dragon-head gargoyle
竜宮[ryuuguu] Palace of the Dragon King
竜骨[ryuukotsu] keel
竜座[ryuuza] Draco (constellation)
竜車[ryuusha] imperial carriage
竜舌蘭[ryuuzetsuran] agave
long; leader

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Popularity rank: 12 Pinyin: cháng, zhǎng Korean: jang Hán-Việt: trường, trưởng, trướng
Stroke counts: 8 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 4 Skip code: 4-8-1


イ長調[ichouchou] A major
データビット長[deetabittochou] data bit length
ト長調[tochouchou] G major
ニ長調[nichouchou] D major
ハ長調[hachouchou] C major
ヘ長調[hechouchou] F major
ホ長調[hochouchou] E major
ロ長調[rochouchou] B major
委員長[iinchou] committee chairman
意味深長[imishinchou] with profound (often hidden) meaning