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Search Kanji for 切取枠

cut; cutoff; be sharp

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Popularity rank: 324 Pinyin: qiē, qiè Korean: jeol, che Hán-Việt: thiết, thế
Stroke counts: 4 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 3 Skip code: 1-2-2


吹っ切れる[fukkireru] to break through (e.g. one's doubts)
襤褸切[borokire] old rag
やり切る[yarikiru] complete decisively
切死丹[kirishitan] early Japanese Christianity (from the later Muromachi period)
哀切[aisetsu] pathetic
一切[issai] all
ひと切り[hitokiri] pause
1切れ[hitokire] slice
一切経[issaikyou] complete Buddhist scriptures
一切衆生[issaishujou] all living creatures
take; fetch; take up

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Popularity rank: 122 Pinyin: Korean: chwi Hán-Việt: thủ
Stroke counts: 8 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 1-6-2


騙し取る[damashitoru] to take something away by deception
つかみ取る[tsukamitoru] to grasp
に取って[nitotte] to
遣り取り[yaritori] giving and taking
アウトライト取引[autoraitotorihiki] outright transaction
ワーク取り付け台[waakutoritsukedai] (manufacturing) fixtures
位取り[kuraidori] grade
位取る[kuraidoru] to scale
引取る[hikitoru] to take over
引取人[hikitorinin] caretaker
frame; framework; spindle; spool; bounding-box; (kokuji)

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Popularity rank: 922 Pinyin: Korean: Hán-Việt:
Stroke counts: 8 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 1-4-4


外枠[sotowaku] border
帰国子女枠[kikokushijowaku] special consideration for students who have lived abroad
黒枠[kurowaku] mourning borders
社会人枠[shakaijinwaku] special consideration for non-traditional (older) students
窓枠[madowaku] window frame
枠内[wakunai] within the limits (framework, boundaries, price, etc.)
抜枠[bassui] extract
枠組[wakugumi] frame
糸枠[itowaku] reel