大晦日[oomisoka] New Year's Eve 韜晦[toukai] hidden (talents, etc.) 晦渋[kaijuu] ambiguous 晦冥[kaimei] darkness 大晦[ootsugomori] the last day of the year
晦ます[kuramasu] to abscond 晦む[kuramu] to be dazzled by 自己韜晦[jikotoukai] concealing one's talents, position, status, intentions, etc. 天地晦冥[tenchikaimei] The world is covered in darkness
禊祓[misogiharae] form of Shinto purification 禊萩[misohagi] Lythrum anceps (species of loosestrife closely related to purple loosestrife, Lythrum salicaria)