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Search Kanji for 立形多段渦巻

many; frequent; much

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Popularity rank: 139 Pinyin: duō Korean: da Hán-Việt: đa
Stroke counts: 6 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 4 Skip code: 3-3-3


於多福[otafuku] homely woman (esp. one with a small low nose, high flat forehead, and bulging cheeks)
圧倒的多数[attoutekitasuu] overwhelming numbers
一妻多夫[issaitafu] polyandry
一番多い[ichibanooi] most numerous
一夫多妻[ipputasai] polygamy
引く手数多[hikuteamata] being very popular
過多[kata] excess
幾多[ikuta] many
ご多忙中[gotabouchuu] in the midst of your work (often used as a formal phrase in business letters, etc.)
好事魔多し[koujimaooshi] Lights are usually followed by shadows
scroll; volume; book; part; roll up; wind up; tie; coil; counter for texts (or book scrolls)

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Popularity rank: 944 Pinyin: juàn, juǎn Korean: gweon Hán-Việt: quyển
Stroke counts: 9 Grade level: 6 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 4-9-2


圧巻[akkan] highlight
一巻き[hitomaki] one roll
渦巻[uzumaki] whirlpool
うず巻く[uzumaku] to whirl
遠巻き[toomaki] surrounding at a distance
下巻[gekan] last volume (in set)
河童巻き[kappamaki] cucumber sushi wrapped in nori (seaweed)
絵巻[emaki] picture scroll
絵巻物[emakimono] picture scroll
巻き[maki] roll (e.g. of cloth)
shape; form; style

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Popularity rank: 418 Pinyin: xíng Korean: hyeong Hán-Việt: hình
Stroke counts: 7 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 1-4-3


其れ形[sorenari] in itself
悪形[akugata] villain's part
為替手形[kawasetegata] draft
異形[igyou] fantastic
井戸屋形[idoyakata] well roof
印形[ingyou] seal
雲形[kumogata] cloud formations
円錐形[ensuikei] cone
円筒形[entoukei] cylindrical
凹形[oukei] concavity
grade; steps; stairs

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Popularity rank: 479 Pinyin: duàn Korean: dan Hán-Việt: đoạn, đoàn
Stroke counts: 9 Grade level: 6 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 1-5-4


一段[ichidan] more
一段動詞[ichidandoushi] ichidan verb (one of the two main conjugation classes of verbs in modern Japanese, usually ending in -eru or -iru)
一段落[ichidanraku] completing the first stage
階段[kaidan] stairs
格段[kakudan] special
計画段階[keikakudankai] planning stage
決済手段[kessaishudan] method of payment
減段[gentan] reduction (of crop size)
五段[godan] Japanese verb group
五段動詞[godandoushi] godan verb (one of the two main conjugation classes of verbs in modern Japanese, usually ending in -u, -ku, -su, -tsu, -gu, -bu, -mu, etc.)
whirlpool; eddy; vortex

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Popularity rank: 1789 Pinyin: wō, guō Korean: wa Hán-Việt: qua, oa
Stroke counts: 12 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 1-3-9


渦巻[uzumaki] whirlpool
渦巻く[uzumaku] to whirl
渦状[kajou] spiral
渦中[kachuu] vortex
渦潮[uzushio] whirling tides
渦動[kadou] vortex
渦紋[kamon] whirlpool design
渦流[karyuu] swirling current
渦巻き形[uzumakigata] spiral-shaped
stand up; rise; set up; erect

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Popularity rank: 58 Pinyin: Korean: rib Hán-Việt: lập
Stroke counts: 5 Grade level: 1 JLPT level: 4 Skip code: 4-5-2


ペンキ塗り立て[penkinuritate] wet paint
粟立つ[awadatsu] to have gooseflesh (cold or horror)
安心立命[anshinritsumei] spiritual peace and enlightenment
一頭立て[ittoudate] one-horse (carriage)
一本立ち[ippondachi] independence
引立つ[hikitatsu] to become active
隠し立て[kakushidate] secrecy
永世中立[eiseichuuritsu] permanent neutrality
永世中立国[eiseichuuritsukoku] permanent neutral country
推し立てる[oshitateru] to set up