Words related to グレ
Sentences containing グレ
I also need to get people to understand the real me! My forceful behaviour is one way I try to do this!
They export a lot of fruit, such as oranges, grapefruits and lemons.
I have it in mind to have a gray suit made to order for the winter.
事こと は百年ねん 前まえ 、多くおおく の雇い主やといぬし が従業員じゅうぎょういん に賃金ちんきん を支給しきゅう していたする 方法ほうほう にさかのぼる、と人事課じんじか 職員しょくいん のポーラ・グレイソンさんは話してくれました。
It goes back, Personnel Officer Paula Grayson told us, to the way many employers used to pay their employees a hundred years ago.
My office is on the fourth floor of that gray six-story building.