Sentences containing i
I couldn't wait to get my hands on one of those iBooks and now I got one as a present. I feel so lucky!
Boeing has calculated the chances of a series of crew errors leading to CFIT.
ボーイング社しゃ の安全あんぜん 担当たんとう の専門家せんもんか は航空こうくう 産業さんぎょう の他のほか 専門家せんもんか と一緒になって制御せいぎょ 飛行中ちゅう の墜落ついらく (CFITシーフィット )として知られている墜落事故ついらくじこ をなくそうと国際的な対策たいさく 委員会いいんかい を組織そしき しているする 。
Boeing's safety experts have joined others in the industry to form an international task force to try to eliminate one particular kind of air crash known as controlled flight into terrain, CFIT.
International Business Machines Corporation, based in Armonk, New York, is the world's largest computer firm.
IBM has the lion's share of the large computer market; nobody else even comes close.
This is a bruising information war. At this rate we'll never come out on top. We've got to replace our CIO.