Definition of 批判
Sentences containing 批判
The mayor is sensitive to the way his programs have been criticized.
The student took to heart the judge's critical comments on his speech.
The editor and publisher of this magazine was criticized by some readers.
This article is critical of the way investigations are being made into the matter.
こうしたことをじっくり考慮こうりょ してする から、推進者すいしんしゃ は法律案ほうりつあん という形かたち で計画案けいかくあん を提出ていしゅつ するが、議会ぎかい での批判ひはん に対処たいしょ するために、ルートの変更へんこう を余儀なくさせられるかもしれない。
After weighing all these considerations, the promoters will present their scheme in the form of a private bill; however, they might find themselves forced to alter the route in order to meet criticisms in Parliament.