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Search Kanji for 駒を進める

advance; proceed; progress; promote

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Popularity rank: 142 Pinyin: jìn Korean: jin Hán-Việt: tiến
Stroke counts: 10 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 3 Skip code: 3-2-8


ジェット推進研究所[jettosuishinkenkyuusho] Jet Propulsion Laboratory
一進一退[isshinittai] now advancing and now retreating
一歩前進[ippozenshin] (a) step forward
栄進[eishin] promotion
詠進[eishin] presentation of poem (to court)
仮進級[karishinkyuu] conditional promotion
勘進[kanshin] reporting after careful investigation
勧進[kanjin] temple solicitation
勧進元[kanjinmoto] backer
勧進帳[kanjinchou] temple solicitation book
pony; horse; colt

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Popularity rank: 1452 Pinyin: Korean: gu Hán-Việt: câu
Stroke counts: 15 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 1-10-5


一駒[hitokoma] scene
駒鳥[komadori] Japanese robin (Erithacus akahige)
三味線の駒[shamisennokoma] bridge of shamisen
荒駒[aragoma] wild or untamed horse
手駒[tegoma] (game pieces, soldiers, etc.) under one's control
野駒[nogoma] Siberian rubythroat (Luscinia calliope)
駒下駄[komageta] low wooden clogs
駒落ち[komaochi] handicap (in shogi)
持ち駒[mochigoma] a captured piece than can be reused (shogi)