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Search Kanji for 駆使

使 use; send on a mission; order; messenger; envoy; ambassador; cause

Search dictionary for: 使

Popularity rank: 219 Pinyin: shǐ, shì Korean: sa Hán-Việt: sử, sứ
Stroke counts: 8 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 3 Skip code: 1-2-6


お使[otsukai] errand
み使い[mitsukai] angel
悪天使[akutenshi] evil angels
かな使い[kanazukai] kana orthography
雁の使い[karinotsukai] (a) letter
旧仮名使い[kyuukanazukai] former (i.e. before the post-WWII reforms) kana usage in writing the readings of kanji
金を使う[kanewotsukau] to spend money
駆使[kushi] free use
軍使[gunshi] truce bearer
権利行使[kenrikoushi] exercise of a right
drive; run; gallop; advance; inspire; impel

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Popularity rank: 1033 Pinyin: Korean: gu Hán-Việt:
Stroke counts: 14 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 1-10-4


ミサイル駆逐艦[misairukuchikukan] (guided) missile destroyer
駆けっこ[kakekko] (foot) race
駆ける[kakeru] to run (race, esp. horse)
駆降りる[kakeoriru] to run down (stairs, etc.)
駆けまわる[kakemawaru] to run around
駆寄る[kakeyoru] to rush over
駆けこみ[kakekomi] last-minute rush
駆込み寺[kakekomidera] (women's) refuge
駆込む[kakekomu] to rush in (at the last minute)
駆上る[kakeagaru] to run up