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Search Kanji for 町駕籠

town; village; block; street

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Popularity rank: 292 Pinyin: tǐng, dīng Korean: jeong Hán-Việt: đinh
Stroke counts: 7 Grade level: 1 JLPT level: 3 Skip code: 1-5-2


下町[shitamachi] low-lying part of a city (usu. containing shops, factories, etc.)
下町風[shitamachifuu] downtown style
町角[machikado] street corner
漁師町[ryoushimachi] fishing village
港町[minatomachi] port city
市町[shichou] cities and towns
市町村[shichouson] cities, towns and villages
小町[komachi] a belle
城下町[joukamachi] castle town
町屋[chouka] townhouse (i.e. house in the middle of a town)
basket; devote oneself; seclude oneself; cage; coop; implied

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Pinyin: lóng, lǒng Korean: rong Hán-Việt: lung, lộng
Stroke counts: 22 Grade level: 8 Skip code: 2-6-16


印籠[inrou] seal case
引籠る[hikikomoru] to stay indoors
屑籠[kuzukago] waste basket
言籠める[iikomeru] to talk down
口籠る[kuchigomoru] to hesitate to say
籠める[komeru] to load (a gun, etc.)
参籠[sanrou] retirement (to a temple of shrine) for prayer
手籠[tegome] rape
石燈籠[ishidourou] stone lantern
切籠[kiriko] facet
vehicle; palanquin; litter; hitch up an animal

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Pinyin: jià Korean: ga Hán-Việt: giá
Stroke counts: 15 Grade level: 9 Skip code: 2-5-10


出駕[shutsuga] departure (of a noble)
鳳駕[houga] imperial carriage
駕籠[kago] palanquin
来駕[raiga] your coming
陵駕[ryouga] excelling
竜駕[ryouga] imperial carriage
御忍び駕籠[oshinobikago] special palanquin for carrying a daimyo or his wife incognito
乗駕[jouga] mounting (during animal copulation)
辻駕籠[tsujikago] street palanquin
町駕篭[machikago] palanquin