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Search Kanji for 独り相撲

slap; strike; hit; beat; tell; speak

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Popularity rank: 1283 Pinyin: Korean: bag, bog Hán-Việt: phác, bạc, phốc
Stroke counts: 15 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 1-3-12


撲る[naguru] to strike
口相撲[kuchizumou] war of words
相撲[sumou] sumo wrestling
相撲にならない[sumouninaranai] is no match for
相撲取り[sumoutori] wrestler
打撲[daboku] blow
打撲傷[dabokushou] bruise
大相撲[oozumou] professional sumo wrestling
一人相撲[hitorizumou] fighting (tilting at) windmills
撲殺[bokusatsu] beat to death
single; alone; spontaneously; Germany

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Popularity rank: 365 Pinyin: Korean: dog Hán-Việt: độc
Stroke counts: 9 Grade level: 5 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 1-3-6


独りで[hitoride] alone
独り芝居[hitorishibai] one man show
独り舞台[hitoributai] performing solo (by oneself)
独り歩き[hitoriaruki] walking alone
曲独楽[kyokugoma] top
軍部独裁[gunbudokusai] military dictatorship
孤独[kodoku] isolation
国家独占[kokkadokusen] state monopoly
宗教的独立性[shuukyoutekidokuritsusei] religious independence
単独[tandoku] sole
inter-; mutual; together; each other; minister of state; councillor; aspect; phase; physiognomy

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Popularity rank: 45 Pinyin: xiāng, xiàng Korean: sang Hán-Việt: tương, tướng
Stroke counts: 9 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 1-4-5


悪相[akusou] evil countenance
位相[isou] phase (in science)
位相幾何学[isoukikagaku] topology
位相空間[isoukuukan] phase space (physics)
為替相場[kawasesouba] exchange rates
遺産相続[isansouzoku] inheritance
一子相伝[isshisouden] transmission of the secrets of an art, craft, trade or learning from father to only one child
印相[inzou] mudra
運輸相[unyushou] Transport Minister
卸相場[oroshisouba] wholesale price