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Search Kanji for 旋律

rhythm; law; regulation; gauge; control

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Popularity rank: 992 Pinyin: lu:4 Korean: ryul Hán-Việt: luật
Stroke counts: 9 Grade level: 6 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 1-3-6


比律賓[firippin] Philippines
一律[ichiritsu] evenness
一律減反[ichiritsugentan] reduction in area of rice under cultivation
韻律[inritsu] rhythm
黄金律[ougonritsu] The Golden Rule ("do unto others as you would have them do unto you")
音律[onritsu] metre
戒律[kairitsu] (religious) precept
紀律[kiritsu] order
軍律[gunritsu] martial law
刑律[keiritsu] criminal law
rotation; go around

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Popularity rank: 1801 Pinyin: xuán, xuàn Korean: seon Hán-Việt: toàn, tuyền
Stroke counts: 11 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 1-4-7


あっ旋[assen] kind offices
斡旋料[assenryou] agent's charge
回旋[kaisen] rotation
凱旋[gaisen] triumphal return
凱旋軍[gaisengun] returning victorious army
凱旋門[gaisenmon] arch of triumph
周旋[shuusen] good offices
周旋屋[shuusenya] broker
周旋業[shuusengyou] brokerage
周旋業者[shuusengyousha] broker