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Search Kanji for 匂い油

fragrant; stink; glow; insinuate; (kokuji)

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Popularity rank: 2213 Pinyin: Korean: nae Hán-Việt:
Stroke counts: 4 Grade level: 8 Skip code: 3-2-2


匂い菖蒲[nioishoubu] aromatic cane
匂い袋[nioibukuro] sachet
匂い油[nioiabura] perfumed hair oil
匂わす[niowasu] to give out an odor, scent or perfume (odour)
匂わせる[niowaseru] to smell of
匂う[niou] to be fragrant
咲匂う[sakiniou] to be in beautiful full bloom
文学的な匂い[bungakutekinanioi] literary flavor
匂い立つ[nioitatsu] to be enveloped in a smell
oil; fat

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Popularity rank: 690 Pinyin: yóu Korean: yu Hán-Việt: du
Stroke counts: 8 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 1-3-5


辣油[raayu] Chinese red chile oil (chile, chilli)
あまに油[amaniyu] linseed oil
荏胡麻油[egomayu] egoma seed oil
英国石油[eikokusekiyu] British Petroleum
乾性油[kanseiyu] drying oil
肝油[kanyu] fish-liver oil (cod, shark, etc.)
含油層[ganyusou] oil strata
揮発油[kihatsuyu] gasoline
給油[kyuuyu] supply of oil
桐油[touyu] tung oil