Definition of 込み
Words related to 込み
Sentences containing 込み
Oh my. However much it's just a P.E. class; if you don't face it in real earnest, then when it comes to a real fight it won't do you any good.
"Prospects for repair?" "Prof. Shubaishen, the leader of the system development team, is presently unwell so we think it will take a while longer ..."
Please fill out this questionnaire and send it to us.
こうした引用いんよう は友人ゆうじん に込み入ったこみいった 内容ないよう の連絡れんらく を行うおこなう のに効果的こうかてき であった。彼かれ の時代じだい では理解りかい してする もらえることを充分にじゅうぶん 期待きたい してする そうした作家さっか から引用いんよう できたからである。
These quotations were effective in sending complex messages to his friends, because, in his day, people could quote from such authors with every expectation of being understood.
Dressed in a loud and peculiar outfit, she stood out in the crowd.
All those who made the grade in entering that school could not have done so only by cramming.