Definition of 出生
Words related to 出生
- (n) birthplace
He said under oath that his birthplace is Italy.
- (n) excessive birth (rate)
- (n) birth certificate
- (n) number of births; number of babies born
Last year, there were more births than deaths.
- (n) date of birth
I believe this may be a correction after investigation of his date of birth in the family register.
- (n) birth rate
It's true that there are fewer children due to the falling birthrate, and there are fewer children in the school, but that is all to the good.
Sentences containing 出生
I believe this may be a correction after investigation of his date of birth in the family register.
After a long wait in line, she was told she should get a certified copy of her birth certificate as identification.
先進せんしん 諸国しょこく では出生率の上昇じょうしょう が図られる一方いっぽう で、発展途上国はってんとじょうこく では出生率の抑制よくせい が叫ばれる。これは先進国せんしんこく 側がわ のエゴととらえられ、発展途上国はってんとじょうこく 側がわ との合意ごうい 形成けいせい は極めてきわめて 難しいことになろう。
While the birth rate is intended to be decreased in developing countries, that of developed nations is selfishly planned to be increased, resulting in the difficulty of getting mutual consent.
The mortality rate per 1000 live births are set out in figure 13.1.
一つひとつ には、西洋人せいようじん ではない人々が自分じぶん たち独自の文化ぶんか に誇りほこり を持ち始めてきたくる ためと、また一つひとつ には、フォークを使わないそれらの地域ちいき は最ももっとも 高いたかい 出生率の地域ちいき を抱えているという理由りゆう から、このことは当たっている。
This is true partly because non-Westerners have begun to take pride in their own cultures and partly because those areas of the world where forks are not used have some of the highest birth rates.
It's true that there are fewer children due to the falling birthrate, and there are fewer children in the school, but that is all to the good.