Sentences containing ウン
When the counter value reaches the assigned 'lucky-number' it displays a congratulatory message.
全角文字ぜんかくもじ を含むファイル名ファイルめい の場合ばあい 、一部いちぶ のOSオーエス では文字化けもじばけ が生じるしょうじる ことがありますので、ダウンロードの際さい に適宜てきぎ ファイル名ファイルめい を変更へんこう してする ください。
On some OS's you get gibberish for filenames with full-width characters so when downloading please change to a suitable filename.
You will receive a confirmation email after your account has been activated by an administrator.
With this tutorial you will use the sample manga to become accustomed to the procedures for seeing the manga including download.
3. If you do phone then hang up immediately, without following any instructions given.
It's a classic commuter town, even during the day there are few people around.