Definition of 周辺
Words related to 周辺
- (n) neighboring or surrounding country; neighbouring or surrounding country
- (n) surrounding countries; neighboring countries; neighbouring countries
- (n) marginal probability
- (n) surrounding environment; ambient surrounding; one's surroundings
- (n) peripheral vision
- (n) peripatric speciation
Sentences containing 周辺
木星の周辺しゅうへん を回っているまわる もっと小さなちいさな 惑星わくせい を見てケプラーは、外出中がいしゅつちゅう の王おう の回りまわり を取り囲むとりかこむ 護衛ごえい を思いだしたので、それを衛星えいせい と名付けたのだ。
The smaller planets hovering around the planet Jupiter reminded him of the guards surrounding a king when he walked outdoors, and Kepler called them satellites.
After one or two large factories have been built in or near a town, people come to find work, and soon an industrial area begins to develop.
Today our artificial satellites are revolving around the earth.
About 27,000 people live in and around Deal, but it has a small town center and it feels very much like a small town.
The province supplies its neighbors with various raw materials.
The word came to be used for all small heavenly bodies revolving about larger ones.